Thu, 10 Aug 2023 15:57:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Conquering the Data Problem: Transforming Chaos into Clarity Thu, 16 Mar 2023 18:51:50 +0000 As we are all firmly in the grasp of the digital age, you’ve probably heard the saying, “Data is the new oil.” It’s true, data drives the modern world, influencing businesses, government decisions, and technological innovations. But, with all the potential there is also a great deal of complexity—and in this case, many challenges.
Enter the data problem.
Our world is now very adept at generating new data, and it’s up to us to make sense of it all. With so many obstacles in the way of obtaining quality data, we must face these head-on if we’re to make well-informed decisions. In today’s post, I’ll delve into the data problem, dissect its key challenges, and explain how we at are here to help you navigate the treacherous waters of information overload.

The Data Problem: A Hydra of Challenges

  1. Unstructured Data: A vast majority of the world’s data is unstructured, meaning it’s not neatly organized in rows and columns like your favorite spreadsheet. Instead, we’re dealing with text, images, videos, and more, all of which require specialized techniques to analyze and process. Extracting valuable insights from this messy mass can be a daunting task. According to CIO, unstructured data based up between 80 to 90% of the data we generate today.
  2. Too Much Data: The sheer volume of data we generate daily is mind-boggling. During the pandemic we increased our generation from 41 to over 64 zettabytes per year in 2020 and that is projected to be at 180 zettabytes by 2025 according to Statista. Sifting through this avalanche of information to find relevant insights can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and lose sight of the big picture.
  3. Accuracy and Currency: Garbage in, garbage out. The quality of your data is paramount, and concerns about accuracy and currency are valid. Incorrect or outdated data can lead to poor decisions, rendering your analysis more harmful than helpful.
  4. Diverse Data Sources: Data comes from a myriad of sources—social media, IoT devices, public records, and more. Each source has its quirks and biases, making it difficult to piece together a cohesive, comprehensive understanding of the world around us.
  5. Different Data Formats: Data comes in various formats, from CSVs to JSON to proprietary file types. Converting and integrating these disparate formats into a unified system can be a time-consuming and error-prone process.
  6. Collaboration and Sharing: Working with others on data projects can be a double-edged sword. While collaboration can lead to new insights, it also raises issues of version control, access, and coordination. A solid data infrastructure is necessary to facilitate seamless teamwork.
  7. Security and Privacy: As we share and collaborate on data, we must be mindful of the sensitive nature of some information. Balancing the need for access with the desire for privacy and security is a delicate dance—one that requires constant vigilance and adaptation.

Taming the Data Beast

A head attuned to organized blue streams of dataIt’s clear that the data problem is a multi-faceted monster. But fear not, for we at are here to help! Our team and our network of data and solution experts is well-versed in the challenges posed by the data problem. We offer customized solutions to help you wrangle your data, transform chaos into clarity, and empower you to make informed decisions.
Whether you need assistance with unstructured data, data integration, or even just thinking about approaches to your unique data problem, our team is ready to tackle your toughest data challenges. We’ll help you implement best practices for data quality, security, and privacy, ensuring that your insights are both accurate and protected.
Are you struggling with the data problem? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we’ll conquer the data beast and harness the power of information for the betterment of your organization and our society as a whole.
If you need help or guidance on this or other topics, feel free to reach out to us. We would love to help you form your strategy!
Introduction to Web 3.0 and the Metaverse Tue, 18 Oct 2022 01:07:05 +0000 First, it should be said that everyone has varying opinions and definitions when it comes to Web 3.0, metaverse, and everything related. These are all just opinions at this point as none of these concepts have been solidified enough yet in the market to have a standard definition. Commercial companies have an incentive to cast the definitions of these emerging spaces in a light that benefits them, as do many individuals. Like so many others before me, I offer you my definitions that I believe will win in the market and be the best for all participants as we move to the next technology era.

What is Web 3.0 and how is it different?

Web3 Technology Blockchain ImageWeb 3.0 is the moniker given to the set of underlying technologies and principles that are expected to carry us forward to the next era. Web 3.0 is in contrast to Web 2.0 and Web 1.0, which are well defined eras that have come before. Web 2.0 is the era we are predominately in now and that relies on websites, reactive designs, social media, and active commerce conducted on the internet through web properties and branded social media. Web 3.0 introduces a few key technologies and principles. It introduces blockchain as a fundamental and reliable underpinning. It introduces the concept of decentralized ownership, which is a fundamental shift from the business model we are in today. Lastly, it introduces the underpinning of interoperability, which is key for decentralization to exist and for companies to have their realms for all of us to have our brand affinity fix. Let’s unpack each of these more.

Blockchain is a technology that uses some pretty simple programming concepts that the financial world has grown comfortable with in recent years. It relies on cryptography to sign linked lists and form a ledger of activity that can be shared by many people so that no one person is trusted with the record. This sharing or decentralization is a key point of differentiation from government issued currency, and it is what has caused this technology to gain in popularity. There is nothing magical about blockchain technology itself because the magic is in the implementation. A centralized company can implement their own blockchain that only relies on servers they control to “own” the blockchain. Creation of your own private blockchain does not meet the decentralized criteria, but you will see this happen, and knowing how to tell that it is centralized will be important as things evolve. Blockchain is primarily known for its role in enabling the popularity of cryptocurrency recently, but it is also used in healthcare, supply chain management, and other areas of industry fairly successfully.

Web 3.0 Technology ImageDecentralized ownership needs some unpacking as well. A key principle to making Web 3.0 all it can be is ensuring that no one or few entities own the data, ensuring consumers control and own the assets, and maintaining consumers are in charge of their online identities. In the Web 2.0 model of today, the corporations own the data, and the assets and they are in control of your online identity. If you post photos to your social media account, the corporation owns them. If you use a corporation’s app in Central America on vacation, it owns that knowledge of your location and can do whatever will help further its interests most. If you unlock that hidden level of your favorite video game or buy with real money a weapon or bling for your gaming character, the centralized company owns that too. In Web 3.0, the power shifts to you, the consumer. If you buy an asset with fiat cash or crypto currency, it belongs to you. It is cryptographically signed and added to the assets that you control, and the record of those assets is on the blockchain, which, as noted above, is not controlled or stored by any one entity. The benefit here is that that game or company could come and go or change their rules or do whatever they want to do and your investment is still yours and you can manage it or use it in whatever way you want even if they are here or gone. This is where interoperability becomes critical.

For decentralization to happen and you to still be able to play your favorite video game from Epic or whoever else offers it, the company offering it has to interoperate with Web 3.0. The brands have to buy in and make it easy for data and assets to interoperate. The benefits the companies offer you need to be portable and able to be used in other games by other companies in order for everyone to get the maximum benefit and for companies to claim interoperability in this new space. The more dilution of this vision, the less valuable the assets you create on their platform become in the decentralized world. There becomes a built-in incentive to be interoperable after momentum has turned in favor of Web 3.0 principles. Getting momentum to turn, however, will be the trial of this new vision. Meta, formerly known as Facebook, has bet they can stop this tide and maintain their centralized hold on customer data within their version of Web 3.0. They are betting the farm, including their name, on the fact that they can continue to confuse and dazzle consumers into continuing to give away all their assets and rights. They are not alone. This is capitalism at play, and it will fight to survive in the world it knows best. But I digress.

Built on these three principles, the vision of Web 3.0 brings wonderful creations like NFTs or non-fungible tokens, P2E or play-to-earn games, and DAOs, which are decentralized autonomous organizations, to every consumer who wants to participate. I’ll write more on each of these later.

What is the Metaverse?

Metaverse ImageryYou can read a lot of articles about what the metaverse is or isn’t, and, like Web 3.0, everyone has a vision and a hope and a dream. My opinion is that the term metaverse describes anything that allows the user to enter a virtual space or world that allows them to feel or be more connected than the current website and app interactions. If you are in your favorite game and there is a live virtual concert, then that is a great example of people moving toward a metaverse. For most, the full vision of the metaverse is a virtual world that feels real to the end user through use of virtual reality or augmented reality or mixed reality, but I don’t believe these elements are necessary for an early stage metaverse experience.

How are the Metaverse and Web 3.0 related?

These two get interesting when they are brought together. The promise of a virtual world where we own and control our identities and assets and can even buy, sell, and trade freely without a centralized company controlling or mitigating this flow of exchange is a future worth trying to bring about. When the underlying concepts of Web 3.0 are combined with the vision of the metaverse, you can imagine disruption across many currently established business models as well as social disruption and a freer marketplace. The opportunity this presents to brands and companies that have interactions with consumers is enormous, and you can see this by all of the early participation and scrambling to create parts of this vision, even if initial attempts are more centralized and lack the interoperability. The metaverse will rely on Web 3.0 for its success if it is to be the open virtual space that we all hope will come about. These two are inextricably linked at the hip.

How does cryptocurrency fit in?

Cryptocurrency Art ImageCryptocurrency is an important part of this picture as it allows for the finance part of this new virtual ecosystem to exist in a decentralized way without the traditional centralized bank establishment. With the centralized banking model today, if your money is in a bank in the United States and you want to exchange a virtual item with someone who happens to be in Iran, you would likely just become frustrated and give up as this is very difficult to do and quite slow and costly. With the decentralized system of cryptocurrency, you could have this item and the exchange done in minutes and not really even know or worry about where the other person is located. You would safely have your item in your digital wallet, and you would have made the exchange in a frictionless way. This kind of interaction will be key for both Web 3.0 and the metaverse if we are going to interact in a world filled with digital items that we all own ourselves and want to exchange often. NFTs are a great example of this you have likely heard of. Today they are being used by brands and independent artists to provide art and collectables in the emerging Web 3.0 and metaverse. Digital wallets will be the passport of the Web 3.0 and metaverse world, and they will allow you to connect and exchange items and do everyday finance in a decentralized and frictionless way.

What does it all mean?

The main meaning is that change is coming. How the vision will shape up and how decentralized things will be are highly dependent on how all of the consumers choose to participate or push large tech companies and brands to adopt decentralization and interoperability. Does your company have a Web 3.0 and/or metaverse strategy? How will your business or industry change when vast numbers of people spend more and more time interacting in virtual worlds? Is your company strategy to hope that these things don’t happen on your watch? Big tech has invested billions at this point on bringing their versions of Web 3.0 and the metaverse and they will play a key role in bringing about this change. I would start to understand the terms and concepts and have a strategy or theory on how this will evolve your company and industry. Plan for change.  At least that’s my opinion.

If you need help or guidance on this or other strategy topics, feel free to reach out to us. We would love to help you form your strategy!

Our Logo Mon, 17 Oct 2022 17:57:00 +0000

Several of you who liked the news of launch mentioned our logo and that it was cool. We thought we would take some time and give a shout out to the creator.

Chris Raleigh

Chris Raleigh Logo

Chris Raleigh is the genius behind our logo and so many others before it.

Reservoir Logo

As a serial entrepreneur, I have been working with Chris to create logos for almost a decade now, and he is always the go-to choice for awesome logo ideas. He has created some of my favorite logos of all time, such as the Ancestral Meats set featured here.

Ancestral Meats Logo

Chris is always patient and helps me through iterations to get to the point where I want to be with my design and ideas. He also helps along the way with idea development and talking through what will play well and what won’t.

Servesting Logo
Urban Muncie Logo

Not surprisingly, it turns out he does lots of logos for lots of people. Here are some of the ones he has featured on his website as well as some of our favorites he has created for us over the years.

Caffeinery Logo
No Crumb Left Behind Logo
Primacy of Place Logo

Chris also does a lot more than just logos!

If you are interested in creative work like logos or brand identity pieces, check out his website at

He comes highly recommended.

Thank you, Chris! This is yet another logo that catches people’s eye and evokes a response and a positive comment.
